Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Download And Use latest Version Of Nginx Stable

Download And Use latest Version Of Nginx Stable

To ensure you receive the latest security updates and bug fixes for Nginx, configure your system's repository specifically for it. Detailed instructions on how to achieve this can be found on the Nginx website. Setting up the repository allows your system to automatically download and install future Nginx updates, keeping your web server running optimally and securely.

Visit this websites for information on how to configure your repository for Nginx. 

Installing Nginx on different Linux distributions

Example from 


sudo apt install -y curl gnupg2 ca-certificates lsb-release debian-archive-keyring && \
keys/nginx_signing.key | gpg --dearmor \
| sudo tee /usr/
share/keyrings/nginx-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null && \
"deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nginx-archive-keyring.gpg] \ `lsb_release -cs` nginx"
| sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list

# Latest Stable (pick either latest stable
or by version)

sudo apt
update && \
sudo apt
install -y nginx

By version (pick one only, latest stable or by version)

sudo apt
update && \
sudo apt
install -y nginx=1.24.0-1~$(lsb_release -cs)

AlmaLinux / Rocky Linux (Redhat)

Create the following file at /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo

name=nginx stable repo

name=nginx mainline repo

# Latest Stable (pick either latest stable or by version)

sudo dnf install nginx

# Latest Stable (pick either latest stable or by version)

sudo dnf install nginx-1.24.0

Nginx Fork (This for reference only - year 2024) 

Use this Web tool to configure nginx. 


Harisfazillah Jamel - LinuxMalaysia - 20240619




Harisfazillah Jamel - LinuxMalaysia - 20240619

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Online Security Tools for Website Owners


Online Security Tools for Website Owners


In today's digital landscape, website security is paramount. From protecting user data to maintaining trust, strong security measures are essential. This blog post explores five valuable online tools that can empower website owners to take charge of their online security.

The Risks of Poor Website Security

Inadequate website security can lead to a host of issues, including data breaches, loss of customer trust, and significant financial losses. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities to steal sensitive information, inject malicious code, or take down your site altogether. The consequences of a security breach can be devastating, both in terms of reputation and legal repercussions.

Benefits of Robust Security Measures

On the flip side, strong security measures can protect your website from these threats, ensuring the safety of user data and maintaining the trust of your visitors. By proactively addressing security issues, you can create a safer online environment, which can lead to higher user engagement and loyalty.

1. OpenDNS CacheCheck ( )

OpenDNS is a popular Domain Name System (DNS) service provider. Large caches contribute to OpenDNS's speed, but sometimes outdated information might linger. CacheCheck allows you to see what OpenDNS customers see when they request your domain. If discrepancies arise, you can refresh OpenDNS's cache for that domain, ensuring visitors receive the latest version of your website.

Using CacheCheck can help you maintain the accuracy and timeliness of your website's data as seen by users. This ensures that any changes you make are quickly reflected, minimizing the risk of users encountering outdated content.

2. SSLMate CT Policy Analyzer ( )

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates encrypt communication between your website and visitors. Apple and Chrome have implemented Certificate Transparency (CT) policies to ensure SSL certificate validity. To combat SSL certificate misuse, Apple and Chrome have implemented Certificate Transparency (CT) policies. These policies require SSL certificates to be logged in public CT logs, which helps identify and prevent fraudulent certificates. The SSLMate CT Policy Analyzer checks if your website's SSL certificate adheres to these CT policies. If not, it's crucial to contact your certificate authority and obtain a compliant certificate to avoid browser warnings for your visitors.

3. SSL Certificate Checkers

ImmuniWeb ( )

SSL/TLS certificates play a vital role in website security. Regular SSL certificate checks are essential. ImmuniWeb goes beyond basic checks, ensuring your website's SSL configuration complies with industry standards and regulations like PCI DSS, GDPR, and NIST. This ensures strong encryption and protects your visitors from data breaches.

 Qualys, Inc. SSL Labs ( )

 Qualys, Inc SSL Labs identifies potential vulnerabilities and suggests improvements. Use this tool to maintain strong SSL security and foster trust with your visitors. Using SSL Labs can help you pinpoint weak spots in your SSL setup and make the necessary improvements to enhance your website's security and build user trust.

4. Netcraft Site Report ( )

Understanding the technologies powering a website can reveal potential security implications. Netcraft Site Report leverages internet data mining to reveal the infrastructure and technologies used by any website. This tool can reveal valuable insights, such as the web server software, hosting provider, and security features in use. This information can help you understand potential security implications and make informed decisions about your website's architecture.

5. Security Headers Check ( )

Security headers are special directives sent by a web server to a browser. These headers play a crucial role in website security by offering protection against various threats. Security Headers offers a free service that analyzes your website's HTTP response headers and assigns a security rating. The tool also provides guidance on implementing missing headers, helping you improve your website's security posture.

By incorporating these online tools into your website security routine, you can gain valuable insights, identify and address vulnerabilities, and ultimately create a more secure online environment for your website and its visitors. Remember, online security is an ongoing process. Regular use of these tools and staying informed about evolving threats will empower you to safeguard your website and maintain user trust.


Improve by ChatGPT and Google Gemini

Harisfazillah Jamel

15 June 2024

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Check Your Email Sender Authentication Schemes

Check Your Email Sender Authentication schemes

You can email to [email protected] to check your email server sender authentication schemes setup. This will help you to determine the reasons your email mark as SPAM when you send email to your friends. Your email server must a least have one of them. Example Email Sender Authentication schemes are DKIM, Domain Keys, Sender ID and SPF.
More information about your email send to [email protected]

New effort to combat SPAM and spoofed email.

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance

Archive message from old post publish
31/01/2012 10:59
Email auto respond from [email protected] Sender Authentication Auto-Responder $Revision: 1.19 $

This service runs at and allows remote users
to perform a simple, automated test to see if different Sender
Authentication schemes are working.  Mail sent to this service
is checked by our Sender Authentication filters for any valid
credentials or signatures.  A script receives the message, checks
for a special header with the results of the tests, and composes
this response message based on what it finds.  This response is also
signed with DomainKeys and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).

Please note that the DKIM filter signing this reply message conforms
to the latest IETF draft version, and thus may not be successfully
verified by older implementations.  If you are using dkim-filter from
Sendmail, Inc., upgrade to at least version 1.0.0 to be compatible
with the most recent version of DKIM.

We hope this service has been helpful to you.

Authentication System:       DomainKeys Identified Mail
  Result:                   DKIM signature confirmed GOOD
  Description:              Signature verified, message arrived intact
  Reporting host: 
  More information:
  Sendmail milter:

Authentication System:       Domain Keys
  Result:                   (no result present)
  Reporting host:
  More information:
  Sendmail milter:

Authentication System:       Sender ID
  Result:                   SID data confirmed GOOD
  Description:              Sending host is authorized for sending domain
  Reporting host: 
  More information:
  Sendmail milter:

Authentication System:       Sender Permitted From (SPF)
  Result:                   SPF data confirmed GOOD
  Description:              Sending host is authorized for sending domain
  Reporting host: 
  More information:

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